So that the script will work the tools “wget, curl and host” are required.
In my example, is use a Debian Wheezy. But it should be on all UNIX systems similarly simple.
1. Install (if not already done) the required packages:
$ sudo apt-get update && apt-get install curl wget host
2. Download the script and store it in any place (in the example i store the script to “/home/”):
$ sudo wget -O /home/
3. Open the script with an editor of your choice and customize the login data:
4. Make the script executable:
$ sudo chmod +x /home/
5. Now you can create a cronjob for any user which executes the script (in this example) every 10 minutes:
$ sudo crontab -e -u stefan
*/10 * * * * /home/
Check if all goes well, by running the updater manually:
$ /home/ -d
After about 1-2 minutes your DynDNS should be up to date.
If not, Check the settings in the script (point 3).
If you need assistance, contact us via our forum.